Article of The association of children and media

Article of association

The Association of Children and Media

Article 1: Name

The name of the association is “The Association of Children and Media”.

Article 2: Objectives and Activities

2-1: Objectives of the Association

  1. Protecting children’s rights related to the media
  2. Improving the quality of children’s media productions and programs
  3. Improving the attitudes of the target audience, parents, and media educators and activists
  4. Developing a code of conduct for production and evaluation of the target content

2-2: Activities

  1. Providing research, production, counseling, and educational services to promote the quality of the cultural and artistic products targeted young kinds, children, and teenagers in the field of media
  2. Conducting research, educating and offering counsel to the target audiences, parents, trainers, children and media authorities, and media activists to empower and promote attitudes in the field of media literacy
  3. Formulating strategies and policies on the production and evaluation of cultural and artistic works according to the target audience through collecting and writing style manuals, codes of conduct, and rules and regulations of producing and evaluating both the content and structure
  4. Establishing a network consisting of coherent and purposive collaborations of children and media activists in order to facilitate employment and production
  5. Having active and effective consultation, communication, and intellectual interaction with public and private sector decision makers in the area of program making for the target audience

Note: The general meeting has the right and power to improve and promote the activities with the majority of votes

Article 3: Members

3-1: Types of Members

  1. Natural members: activists and specialists qualified in the field of children and media, those who have undertaken at least 3 years of useful activities in this field, or those with a bachelor’s degree or higher in this area. The natural members have absolute membership rights including making suggestions, taking part in negotiations, and voting.
  2. Legal members: Representatives of organizations active in the field of children and the media introduced by their affiliated organization’s manager. These members have the right to make suggestions and participate in the negotiations.
  3. Honorary members: individuals outside the scope of children and media who contribute significantly to the goals of the association. These members enjoy all the benefits of the association membership; however, they will not participate in negotiations or cast a vote.
  4. Veteran members: A group of members who have had a trainer or leader role in the field of children and the media and are considered to be role models for other members. In its annual meeting, the assembly will elect one of the members of the association as a veteran. These members form the “Veterans Council” whose primary responsibility will be offer the assembly suggestions in order to amend and update the Charter of Professional Ethics.

3-2: The Acceptance Procedure

  1. Natural or legal membership applications of the association together with the required documents shall be submitted to the secretary of the association. Then, these documents shall be submitted to the Membership Committee to be checked. After examination and approval, the committee will announce its comment to the secretary of the association.
  2. The Membership Committee shall prepare and submit a list of five honorary and veteran candidates together with their letters of recommendation to the annual meeting of the association. The meeting will elect and announce one of them as honorary and veteran members.
  3. The members of the association are obliged to respect the Charter of Professional Ethics which will be approved by the assembly.

3-3: Admission fee and Membership Costs

  1. The admission fee and the annual membership costs for the natural members shall be 200,000 Tomans and 300,000 Tomans, respectively and it will be amended at the Annual Meeting each year.
  2. The admission and membership fee for the legal members shall be determined and announced by the board of directors in accordance with the financial capabilities of the applicant organizations.
  3. Membership of honorary and veteran members is an honor of the association and they will not need to pay for the membership fee.
  4.  The admission fee is paid at the time of registration. The annual membership fee must also be paid at the time of registration or on a monthly basis; otherwise, the treasurer shall provide a list of members who have not paid their membership costs to the secretary in order to warn them. In case the membership fee is not fully paid up to one month before the annual meeting, the violator member will be deprived of attending the annual general meeting. Participating in the association’s general meetings requires paying the membership fee.
  5. Members who fully pay their annual membership fee at the beginning of the fiscal year shall receive a discount of two months free membership fee.
  6. The association assembly can deprive any of its members of the membership right with two-thirds of the votes.
  7.  The Assembly can financially penalize its violator members and it also can deprive them of the association’s benefits.

3-3: Resignation

Any member wishing to resign from the association shall submit a written resignation letter to the secretary of the association, who will submit the letter to the Membership Committee. No resignation will be accepted unless the member has paid his/her membership fee and has fulfilled all his obligations prior to his/her resignation.

Article 4: Officials

  1. The officials of the Association include: the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, all of whom shall perform the functions set forth in this article of association and the Parliamentary Authority approved by the association.
  2. The general meeting of the association shall appoint its temporary committee of the nominees including five members in its ordinary meeting in January. This committee identifies suitable candidates for the posts and submits the list in the ordinary meeting in February. In addition to these nominees, other nominees are also allowed to be introduced by the court in the annual general meeting.
  3. The officials shall be elected for a period of three years or until a successor is appointed and they shall begin working at the end of the annual meeting at which they are elected. No member shall hold more than one position at a time, and no member can hold office for more than two consecutive terms unless there aren’t any candidates for that position.
  4. The officials of the association shall be familiar with the rules written in the association’s Parliamentary Authority even at the minimum level under the supervision of the association’s Parliamentary Adviser.

Article 5: Meetings

  1. Ordinary meetings of the association shall be held on the third Thursday of each month unless the association’s assembly makes a different decision.
  2. The ordinary meeting held in March shall be known as the annual meeting of the association, at which the officials will be elected, the reports will be heard, and other matters will be considered.
  3.  The extraordinary meetings will be called by the secretary of the association upon the written application of ten members of the association. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the notice of call and all members of the association must be informed about it at least three days before the due date.
  4. The quorum for each meeting shall be fifteen natural members and the decisions of the meeting shall be lawful.
  5. The association meetings can be held online.

Article 6: The Board of Directors

  1. The Board of directors of the association includes officials (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer) and four elected members (as executive officials). Also, those elected by the assembly (the eight members mentioned above) can elect other members at the board (as other executive officials) with the right to vote.
  2. At the general meetings intervals, the Board of directors shall be responsible for the supervision of general affairs in the association, determining the time and place of holding general meetings, making suggestions, and performing other duties specified in the article of association. This board shall spare no effort to fulfill the association’s objectives none of its actions will be in conflict with the goals and actions of the association.
  3. The Board of Directors shall hold at least two meetings per month. The quorum for these meetings shall be five members.
  4. The Board of Directors shall be empowered to establish and approve the bylaw of its meetings management within the framework of this article of association.
  5. The General Assembly of the Association delegates the authority and responsibility of planning and any financial events in the Association to the board of directors of the Association in accordance with the framework of the Articles of Association.

Article 7: The Committees

  1. The Membership Committee is responsible for handling membership applications, checking members’ qualifications, and making suggestions to the association’s monthly general meetings. The president of the committee is elected by the court at the annual general meeting. The elected president will select the committee members among the interested members of the association.
  2. The Audit Committee including three members shall be established at the general meeting of the association held in February, which is responsible for auditing the treasurer accounts at the end of the fiscal year and submitting a report to the annual meeting.

Article 8: Parliamentary Authority

The rules set forth in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order will be followed as the rules of procedure, as far as they are applicable and are not in conflict with the article of association and by-Laws of the association.

Article 9: The Amendment of the Article of Association

The provisions of this article of association may be amended at any ordinary general meeting of the association, provided that:

  1. The amendment shall be notified in writing (hard-copy or electronic version) to all members of the Association.
  2. The assembly that is responsible for considering and approving the amendment or revocation shall be convened in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the association.
  3. The Assembly shall reach the quorum specified in the articles of association.
  4. Two-thirds of the votes cast agree with the proposed amendment


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