Considering influential factors in having tendency to video games

Title : Considering influential factors in having tendency to video games (a case study of clubs and game nets of Yazd)

University student :Mahdi Nikahd

Advisor: Dr.Akbar zare Shahabadi

Supervisor : Dr.Masoud Hajizade Meymandi

University : Yazd

Cross section: M.Sc

field : Sociology

defense date : 2011


Medias, like family and school, are always considered as one of the important factors to help the people accept the society and their effects, the way audiences pay attention to them and the media content have always been discussed in scientific circles around the world. One of the examples that indicate the great developments of Medias in terms of influential techniques, content, and the kind of relationship with the audience etc. is the video games. Some of the features of these games such as immersion and interactivity have attracted the audience’s attention. The purpose of this study is to consider factors which have an effect on having tendency to video games among the customers of clubs and game nets in Yazd. Survey was used as the research method in this study with a population about ٤٠٠ customers of clubs and game nets in Yazd from whom ١٩٥ customers were randomly selected as the sample. It was found that there is a significant relationship between the tendency to play games and customers’ neighborhood, the violence and teachability of the games, techniques and effects used in games, games feature to escape from the limitations of the real life, competition and defiance in the games, the motives of individual to progress, individual self-esteem, peer pressure, environmental effects of the clubs and game networks, and evaluating the effects. Furthermore, there was no significant relationship between the tendency to the games with variables of age, education, income, distance to clubs and game nets, marital status, employment status, father’s occupation, mother’s occupation, economic status, access to recreational and sporting facilities and the use of other media. Regression results showed that the variables of escaping the limitations of real life, teachability of the games, competition and defiance in the games and environmental effects of the clubs and game nets were entered the regression equation and with the R square: ٣٤ / ٨ , could explain ٣٣% change of the tendency to games variable. As a result, it is noted that in considering the tendency to video games personal motivations to use the games are the most important factors amongst which those that games try to ensure and satisfy receive significant importance and again this fact depends on the degree of persuasion of the games.

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